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Book Blast Sept. 20, 2019

Pretending To Be Rich  by Weston Parker

Pretending To Be Rich

by Weston Parker

It was against my will. But family has a way of forcing you into tight spots, right? My wealthy father wanted me at his swanky benefit and refused to budge. Luckily for me, the most beautiful curvy woman happened to come too. Only one problem: she thinks I’m rich too. No way in hell I can tell her the truth. Women like men that can deck them out in jewels, and that ain’t me. I don’t share in the family inheritance, not yet at least. Hard work is all I know. It’s who I am. But will she understand that if the truth comes to light? I’m just a normal guy in love with a woman far above my paygrade. And she’s going to freak when she finds out I’ve been pretending to be rich.

Buy Link: Amazon

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