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Book Blast July 21, 2019

Reckless: Episode 1 of the Shattered Chronicles  by Ciana Stone

Reckless: Episode 1 of the Shattered Chronicles

by Ciana Stone

"Perhaps my biggest sin was that my faith in Cord was so uncompromising and complete, I didn’t try and see him for who he was, but kept the fantasy of who I wanted him to be in place to mask the truth. And where did that get me? With a husband who's run off on some reckless quest, a woman who claims she's his lover and government agents who claim Cord is responsible for missing spent-nuclear-fuel. I'd say, at the moment, I win the prize for whose life sucks the most. The question is, how do I put things back the way they were? " Morgan Windwalker.

Buy Link: Amazon

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