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Book Blast Nov. 24, 2018

Take A Chance On Me: A Single Father Romance  by Weston Parker

Take A Chance On Me: A Single Father Romance

by Weston Parker

Not all alpha males are assholes. But the guy that messed up Tiffany’s self-image sure as hell was. This beautiful, curvy woman has held my imagination captive since the day she started working with me. She has no idea how gorgeous, powerful, and intelligent she is. But that ruse is up. I’m going to tell her. Show her. Press that truth upon her until she sees herself like I do. I haven’t been with a woman since losing my wife around the holidays, but it’s time to give love a second chance. My son and I are ready to have a family again. Now I just need to convince her to take a chance on me. It’ll be the best decision of her life. I’ll make sure of it.

Buy Link: Amazon

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