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Book Blast Oct. 26, 2018

Moon Court   By Jennifer Griffith

Moon Court

By Jennifer Griffith

Law student Daphne is days from graduation, but she can’t keep her eyes off the sigh-worthy guy across the auditorium in her moot court class. She’s been crushing on Tighe Hartnett since day one of law school, even though he reportedly has a serious girlfriend. What—that means he’s safe, right? Crushable, with no chance of distracting her from her goal of a law degree.

Until today. Because Tighe's girlfriend is old news, and when Daphne and Tighe are pitted against each other in mock court, sprarks fly.

Moot Court is a novella in the Legally in Love series of top-selling romantic comedies by Jennifer Griffith. Full of swoony kisses, sweet romance, and hilarious incidents, this novella is just what the judge ordered.

Download your free copy today on BookFunnel

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