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Book Blast June 28, 2018

Taking Summer: A Fake Fiance Romance  by Emily Bishop

Taking Summer: A Fake Fiance Romance

by Emily Bishop

"You want me to marry you?" That wasn't a question I expected from Mr. Chiseled Jaw. I was there to investigate a lead, not to get wet every time I looked at him. How would I even start this story? Hmm, let's see... "Rich cowboy with abs of steel takes me and makes me his?" Not the most professional way to begin. "No, honest, I can stay emotionally unattached and do my job." ...says no woman ever. I should've known better. I was doing just fine controlling myself, until he miraculously showed up and rescued me from near-death. My p@nties almost flew off of their own volition! It's the next part I wasn't prepared for: "Will you be my fake fiancé?"

Buy Link: Amazon

Bear Guards: A Paranormal Romance  by J. S. Striker

Bear Guards: A Paranormal Romance

by J. S. Striker

Welcome to Orville. You won't find it on a map and it is full of secrets...

Buy Link: Amazon

Fractured  by Bruce Rodgers and Juliana Conners


by Bruce Rodgers and Juliana Conners

He's an American hero. He's about to retire from a lifetime of service and a distinguished career. His behavior is above reproach, his reputation sterling. Why, then, did I accuse him of sexually assaulting me? I know it's a lie. I can't handle the truth. But I'll handle this hot hunk of man for as long as he'll let me. Even as I ruin his life.

Buy Link: Amazon

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