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Book Blast December 26, 2017

Paranormal Vampire Romance: Saving the Miracle Worker  by Stacey Davidson

Paranormal Vampire Romance: Saving the Miracle Worker

by Stacey Davidson

Paranormal Vampire Romance: Saving the Miracle Worker She’s beautiful -tough and vulnerable at the same time. Valerie’s pain, in the form of excruciating migraines, gives birth to other people’s miracles. With no other choice, she’s turned herself off from the world – away from her family and the so-called friends who’ve tried to use her for her supernatural gifts. The talented painter has been drowning her fears in alcohol when she meets sexy Michael Shcoltz, the mysterious billionaire who pays for her college. But why does he seem to have no past? There’s something different about this man - an old-world charm that women can’t seem to resist. He’s zeroed in on Valerie, but why? She’d love to trust him, for him to be her soft place to fall in an impossible world, but she doesn’t quite dare. Is Mr. Shcoltz there to save the miracle worker? Or to take possession of her and use her power for his own wicked agenda? Buy Link: Amazon

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