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Book Blast Aug 30, 2017

Stepdad Undone By Natasha Spencer

Stepdad Undone

By Natasha Spencer

Download your free copy today on InstaFreebie!

Kiss Me (The Billionaire's Secrets Book 2) by Kayla C. Oliver

Kiss Me (The Billionaire's Secrets Book 2)

by Kayla C. Oliver

How does a kindergarten teacher tame a sexy billionaire? The answer is simple—she doesn’t. Julia Clarkson led a simple life in the tourist town of Brunswick. She loved her students, appreciated her quiet evenings in her apartment, and was happy that she had a best friend who she could share all her problems with. Until a scruffy billionaire in a fancy suit and shoulder-length hair showed up at the kindergarten, driving a Ferrari like a maniac. If only he was a student’s parent… then she wouldn’t be so tempted to mess up her whole life. Hunter Morgan has two priorities: to make his business an even larger success than it already is, and his nephew, Noah. Noah’s parents are going through an ugly divorce, and Hunter rests a little easy knowing that his kindergarten teacher, the sweet, simple, and sexy Ms. Clarkson, has been looking out for the kid. There is something else she is doing to Hunter though. Hint: it involves fantasies and heavy breathing. Buy Link: Amazon

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